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Vendor Information

Here you will find information about each vendor type, as well as links to the online application




Craft Vendors

In order to keep the items sold at our festival unique, we require that all items sold be either produced or designed by the seller. It is OK if you require help with the production of items you design, but vendors may not purchase and sell items that you did not design.


No direct sales such as, but not limited to, Scentsy, Color Street, Pampered Chef, Thirty-One, Tupperware, or similar are permitted. Applications for these types of booths will automatically be rejected. We also do not permit informational type booths.


Electric is available for an additional charge. Please make sure you bring extension cords, as it may be as much as 100 feet to the nearest connection. Please see the vendor application for more info and pricing.


We are proud to say that 72% of our vendors are from within a 30 mile radius of our show and 30% are from within a 10 mile radius!! We are pleased to be supporting our local crafters!



10x10 Outside, Under Cover, or in a barn: $170

10x20 Outside, Under Cover, or in a barn: $205

10x10 Premium Event Center (Limited #)  $205

Cottage Food Vendors

We are excited to offer a Cottage Foods option for our vendors for 2020! Does your product meet the guidelines below as set forth by the State of Ohio? If so, you may apply as a cottage foods vendor. If your product(s) do not fall within these guidelines, you must apply as a Food Vendor, and follow all health department rules for such.

If you apply as a cottage food vendor, and you do not meet the definitions as defined by the State of Ohio, you will be required to upgrade to a standard food booth and will be charged the additional amount.

For more information on Cottage Foods, please visit:




10x10 Outside, Under Cover, or in a barn: $220

10x20 Outside, Under Cover, or in a barn: $255

10x10 Premium Event Center (Limited #)  $255


Food Vendors

All food vendors are located outside in the area between building C and the new Event Center. There are some specific rules in regards to food vendors:

*No food trucks or trailers are allowed. You must supply a tent and stay within your assigned space.

*If you will be cooking, you must be in a 10x20 booth. No cooking is permitted in 10x10 booths, and no cooking is permitted inside the barns or in the Event Center.

*We do not allow generators. If you need electric, please complete the electric portion of the application. Please note, you will need to supply the appropriate cords, and for 20 amp service, it may be as much as 100' to the outlet(s).


Food vendors should visit the website of the Warren County Combined Health District at for specific permit requirements. A link to the Temporary Food Service Permit Application as well as directions for paying for it online are linked below.


Please be advised that the Lebanon Fire Division requires a 5lb ABC fire extinguisher in the booth, and will inspect booths.



10x10 Outside, Under Cover, or in a barn: $270

(No Cooking)

10x20 Outside, Under Cover, or in a barn: $305

(Required if Cooking-Will be outside)

10x10 Premium Event Center (Limited #)  $270

(No Cooking)



Ready to Become a Vendor?

Click the button below to access the online application. In order to apply, you must have photos of all products you will be selling, along with your processes for making the items. Payment will be collected at the time of application. Vendors who are not approved will receive a full refund. Any vendor who is placed on a waiting list will receive a full refund if no space becomes available. Cancellations must be received prior to September 01 of each year to be eligible for a refund. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after September 01.

Applications for the following year's festival will open during the current festival. All applications, regardless of whether a vendor is a new or returning vendor, will be reviewed and approved by the Applefest Committee. Returning Vendors, if you wish to keep the same space for the following year, your application for the following year must be received by December 31st. (This does not guarantee acceptance, only that you will receive the same space if your application is approved.) Returning vendors who apply after December 31st will be placed in a booth space on a first come first serve basis, just as if they are a new vendor. Applications for the current year's festival will close no later than August 15th of each year, and no applications will be accepted after that time, so that the committee can finalize booth assignments and get confirmation letters sent in a timely manner.

Please note, we do not permit any informational or commercial sales booths, and we do not permit any trailers.

©2022 by Country Applefest. Proudly created with

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